
Families play an important role in determining a child's success.

At the Kgosi Foundation, we have realized that it is not enough to provide a strong educational foundation to the children in our care. Once they graduate from pre-school and enter government schools, the children face uncertainty at home. Often there is not enough to eat. Often the children have to move from one home to another because their parents cannot afford to pay the rapidly rising rent.  Without stability and adequate nutrition the children struggle to concentrate and progress with their studies.

To remedy the situation, KNF sends parents to accredited courses in the areas of cooking, home-based care, and cleaning. Unfortunately, the courses are costly, so we are not able to assist every family.  Most parents who have received training have been able to find employment, greatly increasing the chances for stability in their home.

The foundation's Wings of Hope School has also provided training and skills development to nine employees.  Six parents are now fully qualified pre-school teachers, and three others work as support staff, cooking for 100 people each day and caring for the environment around them.